Here’s your problem:

How confident are you that your current tax consultant’s settlement number is the lowest number possible? Our Snake Oil Test can help you know for sure.

Find out exactly how much you’re overpaying on your current Texas settlement offers.

Simply run every offer you receive by us before you settle – at the very least, you’ll gain peace of mind, free of charge. We’ll show you what we can do, then the decision is yours – and it will be an easy one.

  • Your properties – not a case study – not hypothetical.
  • No obligation to hire us.
  • No need to fire your current tax consultant.

“Snake Oil” is a term that originally referred to fraudulent health products sold by traveling salesmen in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These products were marketed as miracle cures but were actually ineffective or made with dubious ingredients. Over time, “snake oil” has become a broader term used to describe any product, service, or claim that is deceptive, exaggerated, or without genuine value. It often implies that someone is trying to sell something that doesn’t deliver on its promises.

“Snake Oil” is a term that originally referred to fraudulent health products sold by traveling salesmen in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These products were marketed as miracle cures but were actually ineffective or made with dubious ingredients. Over time, “snake oil” has become a broader term used to describe any product, service, or claim that is deceptive, exaggerated, or without genuine value. It often implies that someone is trying to sell something that doesn’t deliver on its promises.